Hot Hot Hot!

Can you believe I actually went running today? It was an internal struggle, but I forced myself to go. My race is 1 week from Saturday. I have to be able to run 3.1 miles for the race.

It was really hot today. I forgot to take a picture of the actual temperature when I went running, but it was in the 80's. 

I was so happy when I finished. I went running Tuesday and only ran 1.81 miles. 

Today's run was not about time at all. I didn't try to run fast, I just wanted to finish. I wanted to run the whole 3.1 miles. It was a big accomplishment. 

I was down .6 when I weighed in this week. I'm going to reach my goal no matter how many set backs I have. 

There are some big things coming up next week that I am very excited about. Duh, duh, duh. (Dramatic sound effect.) What could it be?


  1. Hello! I popped over from Sparkpeople and thought I'd say hi! You have a lovely blog. Keep up the good work!

    Cara @

  2. Congrats on running 5K! That's great!


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