What's Next?

This is the big question that is haunting me and that everyone is asking me. I honestly don't know what's next. I was considering running the Kentucky Derby Mini-Marathon, but I wanted to wait until after the 10-Miler to see how I felt about it. Right after the race I told Lucas that I did not want to run 13.1, but I've been thinking about it all weekend. I know I would be so disappointed in myself if I don't try to run the mini. I've been looking at it on-line and reading about it and......

I may be crazy. I just don't want race day to pass and I keep asking myself, "Why didn't you do it?" I don't want to have any regrets and let's face it, I want to put that 13.1 sticker on my car window. Who knows if I will ever run this much again in the future. It's technically 2.9 miles more than I ran Saturday. It's a lot flatter than what I ran as well and I know I can do it if I really want to. There's a 6 hour time limit so even if I need to walk a lot, I'm confident I'll still be able to finish.

Up until the last hour or so I had decided I was just going to restart Insanity and run short distances as well. Maybe I'm making a mistake, but I don't want to let this opportunity pass. The race is Aptil 19th so I have almost 4 weeks to get ready. Let's do this!


  1. I have found this blog through Runs For Cookies. I live in Louisville and did the triple crown last year. I'm soo glad that I decided to do the mini too. Ive actually gone on to do another half and I'm now training for a full (which is why I didn't do the triple crown). That ten miler is probably the hardest race I've ever done so the extra miles to do a half seem minimal. Good luck!


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