Back on Track

Half Marathon training was scheduled to start this past Tuesday. Unfortunately, I was lazy and didn't do the first training so my training started on Thursday. 

I ran after work since I didn't get myself up early enough to run before work. 3 miles was on the schedule. I am sticking with my run 3 minutes, walk 1 minute ratio for now since it's been awhile since I've run. I was ready to quit at mile 2 but I pushed through and finished!

Today's schedule was for 3 miles as well. After I weighed in at Weight Watchers I came home and ran. It felt a lot harder than Thursday's run. It was more humid and I was sweating like crazy. 

You can tell by the picture I took when I finished that I was feeling kind of miserable.

Last Saturday when I weighed in I had gained 1.8 pounds. I knew it was coming and I knew why I gained the weight. I stayed on plan this week and didn't go over my points and guess what happened...

4.2 pounds gone!!! It's a great feeling when you're hard work pays off. We planned meals for the week and stuck to the plan for the most part. We still went to El Nopal one night and ate out Friday night, but that's a lot better than we have been doing in the past. Small steps lead to big changes.

Lastly, I wanted to share this picture because it makes me smile. One night this week a storm came through. Afterwards, when we looked outside, everything looked pink. So I stepped outside and was able to take this beautiful picture. 


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