It's Been Awhile
I'm going to try to blog more in September. I haven't written much lately, but I hope to change that starting now.
Back at the beginning of August we went on vacation to Florida. It was the first time either of us had been there and we had an amazing time. It was so relaxing and peaceful and we came home refreshed.
Needless to say I didn't do any running on vacation... That means I got even further behind in my half marathon training. The past couple of weeks I've run a few times, but I'm still not running as much as I need to be.
One of the first times I ran it was super hot out. I actually woke up at 5:30 to run before work, but it was still dark out so I opted to run when I got home. It was a pretty hard run.
My time was actually really good. The first 5K I ran last year my goal was to finish under 40 minutes. I finished this run in 36:33.
The countdown clock is still ticking away to the half-marathon. Hopefully I'll be ready by then...
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