We made it though 2020! It wasn't always easy or fun, but here we are. Everyone seems to think that because 2021 is here that the world is going to magically fix itself, the pandemic will end and everything will get back to normal. I do not think that is how it works, but I am hopeful that 2021 will be better than 2020. 

The God of 2021 is the same God of 2020. He's never left us, He's never wandered away from us and He has never stopped loving us. No matter what is going on in the world or in our personal lives, God is in control. Bad things are going to happen, life is going to change for us, but He already knows about it. He knows the trials we will face, the circumstances we will find ourselves in and He knows we need Him. He wants us to lean on Him, to seek His direction and to follow His will. 

In 2021 I hope to find His will for my life, to find the right path if I am not already on it and to do the things He wants me to do. It is so easy to settle in to life, to create patterns and habits and to be comfortable. Is that what God wants me to be doing? Am I where God wants me to be in my professional life, in my spiritual life?

A lot of us set goals for the new year and a lot of us miss the mark on day 1. The good thing about setting goals is that if you mess up, you can try again tomorrow. Every day is a new day, every moment is a new moment. We can make changes and we can try again. Most people who want to make changes don't just suddenly change overnight. It takes consistent effort. It means not beating yourself up, but forgiving ourselves just like God forgives us. I have a habit of not meeting goals and then abandoning them, but I want that to change. I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish this year and you know what? I didn't get to mark everything on the list today. And that is okay. It is okay to keep trying, it is okay to start again and it is okay to take a break when things are overwhelming. 

The best things in life don't come easy and as we start this new year and new journey I pray I am setting myself up for success, for a year of learning and for a year truly with God. 


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