
"I'll never be more loved than I am right now. (Jireh - Elevation Worship and Maverick City Music)

The song has played on my phone hundreds of times. Recently though, these words really hit me. 
God loves me - He loves me the same yesterday, today and forever. Why isn't that enough? Why do we chase other things? Whose love and approval are better than His? 

The world measures success by what we do, how much money we make, what kind of house we have and what kind of car we drive. Is it okay for us to measure our success the same way? 

We went to a Phil Wickham/Brandon Lake concert last weekend. They both mentioned that they are preachers' kids which I found interesting since I share that with them. As a preacher's kid, you grow up in church, it is all you know. It is a privilege to be brought up in the church and such a blessing, but you have to have your own faith. You can't rely on the faith of others to save you. Everyone needs a personal relationship with God. 

After the concert I thought - look at what they are doing for God - how many lives they are impacting. Worshipping God with them in that room was an incredible experience. They exuded joy and you could tell how much they believed the words we were singing. I want to be like that. When people see me I want them to see Him. How much of my time have I wasted chasing the successes of this world? How much of His calling have I ignored or missed? I don't know the answers to these questions, but I am trying to figure it out. I am trying to be still and listen, to be in His Word and to wait for His guidance.

Listen to this song when you have a few minutes - see if it speaks to you and helps you remember who God is. 


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