Since I didn't realize I posted my 100th post until I was done writing it yesterday, I thought I'd do something special for it today. So what did I decide to do? Run. I thought it would be the best thing to do since I had a rest day for Insanity and it's one of the reasons I started blogging. Running got me through most of my weight loss so far and I was curious to see how I would do considering I haven't run since my race in June.

A major factor today was the weather. It was pretty warm and I know the app says cloudy, but the clouds were not hiding the sun when I was running.

I only ran 2.19 miles and it wasn't very fast, but it still felt good to just be running and it helped me remember why I hate running in the heat. I am looking forward to running in the fall/winter again. Overall, I'm okay with the run because it wasn't that long ago that I wouldn't have even taken the 1st step out the door. It's amazing the changes that can happen when you make up your mind to do it. 

It's a pretty big milestone to have 100 posts on this blog. Even though I have taken breaks from it, I always want to come back. Writing is a passion of mine and I've enjoyed writing each and every post (even the ones where I have had to report a bad day/week/month.) Thank you for taking the time to read and share in this with me. It really means a lot. Sharing this journey with you is amazing and I hope to be able to encourage you in your journeys just as you are an encouragement to me!


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